2024 AGM

2024 AGM

This year the Annual General Meeting of the Epiphany Trust (Truro) Ltd will be held on 20th June 2024.

The schedule for the evening is as follows:

4.30pm: Eucharist

5.30pm: Light refreshments (MEMBERS & FRIENDS ONLY)

6pm: 67th Annual General Meeting

For more information or to book please let us know by emailing us on [email protected] or calling the office on 01872 857953.

Welcome To The Chief Executive

Welcome To The Chief Executive

I am pleased to announce that the trustees have recently appointed Alan Wallace to the role of Chief Executive for the Epiphany Trust. We look forward to welcoming Alan to the team, with effect from January.

For your information, Alan will be joining us for the Carol Service at Epiphany House on Tuesday 12th December, should you wish to come and say hello. 

With every good wish, 

– Debbie Mitchell (Chair to the Board of Trustees)

In the meantime, a few words of introduction from Alan himself……. 

Hi my name is Alan Wallace and I have been appointed as the Chief Executive of Epiphany House starting in January 2024. What an exciting challenge!

I come from Northern Ireland and came to England in 1979 to train as a Church Army Officer for the Anglican Church. My ministry has included working as a Youth Worker in parishes and Youth Centres and as a National Youth Officer for the Church Mission Society. I have owned my own company (Events Management) and had the privilege of organising many Christian conferences over the years both nationally and world-wide. I lived and worked in New Zealand where I was an Associate Pastor and Church Manager and then came to Cornwall to be the Chief Executive at Truro Cathedral. Over the last few years I have been Director of the Royal Cornwall Museum and have worked for the Diocese of Truro in various roles, my present position as a Project Support Officer to 4 Deaneries.

I am married to Liz and we have 1 son called Fin who is at University in London studying Film Production.

Over many years I have visited and used many retreat centres both here in the UK and in New Zealand and been inspired, blessed and strengthened in my faith through each one.

I am looking forward to getting to know all the Trustees, Staff, Volunteers and those who use the great facilities here at Epiphany House. My prayer is that the House can continue to be used as a House of Prayer but that we can look at how the House can be sustainable and move forward in our changing world, so that more people come to know about the House and want to utilise the facilities on offer, finding peace and healing within.

– Alan Wallace

Thank You

Thank You

Sunday 1st June was an emotional and truly memorable day for me. It felt like a formal farewell to my role at Epiphany House and for the Trust, but it was more than that. It was an occasion to remember (mostly good times but some challenging and difficult times!); it was an occasion to give thanks to God for this remarkable place and the work it enables (and indeed does with its very presence). It was an occasion when I was thanked – which was lovely – it is always good to know that what you have done has been appreciated. However, I must turn these thanks to God for calling me to this special place. If you were present at the service you will have heard me tell how I came to apply for the job 9 years ago, and how strong the call was to come. I have been sustained through the whole time by that calling, through prayer, and faith. Somehow, I found energy and determination to push through even the challenging times but the rewards have been great. It is sometimes tricky to discern when to move on, but again here God helped me, calling me into ordained ministry and then right at the end of working life into parish life. It has not been easy to say farewell to something that I have put my heart and soul into, but the time was right to finish that chapter and allow the new one to open up. I have such confidence in Jane and the team to write this next chapter and my prayers will be with them. It seemed fitting that my final official duty was to cut the ribbon with Leslie (the former Chair of Trustees) to ‘open’ the new extension which I hope has secured the future of the House so that the next chapter can be written.

Now to the thankyous…..

A huge thank you ……

To Jane , my support through my whole time at Epiphany, and a good and valued friend,

for the wonderful staff team (both past and present) without whom we couldn’t function,

to the Board of Trustees who have had faith in me and belief in the work of the House

to the band of volunteers who do so much – much of which is unseen

to the Prayer Community and others who constantly hold the work of the House in prayer

to all those who use the House and value what it stands for….

to those who have supported me and given me encouragement along the way – you know who you are!

Thank you, Jane and Debbie, for organising the Thanksgiving Service and the delicious tea, Leslie for you very kind words. Thank you for a wonderful send off and for a hugely generous farewell gift, for your messages and prayers, encouragement and support.

I will certainly continue to pray for the work of the House and I will be an occasional ‘user’ and I have already started recommending Epiphany both as a venue and a spiritual haven!!

Thank you all.

Ukraine Play Box Appeal

Ukraine Play Box Appeal
Play Action International’s Ukraine Playbox Appeal

Play Action International believe play is the best way to help children recover from trauma. You can help give Ukrainian refugee children the gift of play by supporting their Play Box Appeal. Here’s how you can help…

Step one: Head over to the Play Action International website where you can learn all about the appeal. At the bottom of the page select the ‘Make Your Own Play Box’ link.

Step two: Read the toy guide Play Action International have put together and start filling your play box with toys & play materials ready to donate to a child. Find an empty medium sized shoe box. You can gift wrap the box if you want. Just remember to wrap the box and lid separately as Play Action International will need to manually check each box. Fill your box with a variety of toys and play materials. The Play Box Guide has all the info you need to pack your box, including what can be included and an age guide. Secure the lid of your box with string or a strong elastic band. Then put the finished box in a parcel bag or plastic bag taped up to protect it. When you’re done, go to the bottom of the page and select the Make a £5 Donation’ option to support the costs of the appeal.

Step three: Enter your details and make your donation. After you click ‘Complete My Donation’ you’ll receive a unique link to the Collect+ delivered by Yodel Ukraine Play Box Appeal page. Click ‘Ship Your Play Box with Yodel’ 

Step four: Once you’re on the Collect+ delivered by Yodel website using the link, you can print your label (either at home or in-store completely free of charge). Simply select either option on the page, attach the label to your play box and drop if off at any of the thousands of Collect+ delivered by Yodel stores in the UK. Yodel will collect your play box from your drop off location and deliver it to Play Action International. You’ll be able to track your parcel as usual.

More about the Play Box Appeal:

More than 3.7 million people – mostly women and children – have now fled their homes in Ukraine due to Russia’s unprovoked war. Most have sought refuge in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Moldova and Romania and in the coming weeks, the UK expects to host up to 200,000 Ukrainian refugees.

UNICEF estimates more than 1.5 million children are among those who have fled abroad. These children have been ripped from their everyday lives. Families have been separated. Mothers and children continue to flee on foot and by rail. Let’s make no mistake, the trauma these children are experiencing will have lifelong consequences.

Play is a powerful yet simple way for trauma affected children to process their experiences, express their thoughts and feelings and reduce stress. Play Action International’s Ukraine Play Box Appeal, aims to give boxes of toys and play materials to as many of the estimated 90,000 Ukrainian children who are expected to arrive in the UK over the coming weeks, as well as to Ukrainian children seeking refuge in Eastern Europe. By offering Ukraine’s children boxes of toys and play materials, together we can begin to give them a sense of their childhood back. Visit the Play Action International website to find out more.

Epiphany House – ‘a haven of peace and calm in what can be a very troubled world’

Epiphany House – ‘a haven of peace and calm in what can be a very troubled world’

It’s a cold frosty morning in late January 2009 and I am to attend a meeting with representatives from local NHS and Social Services departments at a venue I have never heard of in Truro – Epiphany House. Where is it? What is it? And will I find it?!

Finally, after driving up, down, through and around a housing estate, I see a small blue sign that reads Epiphany House. As I drive up the long driveway that leads to a majestic building, of which I am in awe of, with what looks like a Chapel on the first floor? No. Never. It can’t be surely?!

As I enter the front door, a shiver goes down my spine. Then a warm feeling fills my whole body, mind and soul, just like somebody is giving me a huge hug, a feeling of peace and calm which remains with me until I leave the building.  

How can a building have such an impact on me? Why? And what has gone before to create such an atmosphere? I am intrigued and want to find out more.

In July 2011, I am blessed with an opportunity to be able to become a Volunteer at the house two mornings a week. After several weeks of ‘getting to know’ the house, the Team and the piles of ironing, which never appeared to lessen, even after hours of ironing by myself and others, I am asked to ‘sort out the office’! And so my strength of organising begins, from piles of papers to neat files in filing cabinets, the introduction of policies, procedures, risk assessments, staff training, event booking systems, covid precautions etc etc transpire. Finally, after 10 years of hard work, fun, laughter and the odd tear, the Epiphany House ‘office’ is complete!

From those early days in 2011, I knew that Epiphany House was where I was meant and wanted to ‘be’. I was asked to become a paid employee in late 2011, first as an Administration Assistant, then Administration Manager, Operations Manager and, latterly, Operations Director. However, my role at the house has never been ‘just a job’ – more of a vocation. Without wishing to sound too dramatic, its been my ‘calling’, to ‘serve’ those visiting the house, reaching out to those who, like me, have never heard of Epiphany House, treating them all the same, whether they may be a delivery driver from Amazon or the Bishop of Truro, I, like all who are fortunate enough to be part of Team Epiphany, strive to welcome Visitors as though they were Christ ‘Hospites tanquam Christus subscipiantur’

I was taught by my beloved Father that I should always ‘strive to treat others as I would wish to be treated, and in an unjudgemental and respectful manner’. This, together with the scripture above the fireplace in our meeting room, Godrevy, is what I consider to be the good practice of a hospitality venue. If, together, Team Epiphany and I provide this, we shall be practising God’s ‘work’ in providing hospitality to our neighbours, local community and beyond, welcoming both returning and new Guests to what is, undoubtably a very special place, ‘a haven of peace and calm in, what can be, a very troubled world’.

Jane Lowndes / Operations Director

Connect Art Group

Connect Art Group

Peace at Epiphany

On Monday 21st March the CONNECT art group from Holy Trinity Church, St, Austell spent a wonderful afternoon at Epiphany House.

The group is very much about fellowship in faith, using art as one way of expressing this. This was our first outing and proved to be the perfect place for it.

After a warm guided tour by Jane, we were able to meditate on psalm 46 v 10 in the chapel, a blessed experience.

At the end of the afternoon, we were treated to tea and an amazing Victoria sponge made by Debbie!

I feel sure the this will not be our last visit to Epiphany House!

Jane Wingrove (Group coordinator )

Welcome to the Operations Director

Welcome to the Operations Director

Those of us who have known Epiphany House over the years have been struck by the way the ‘right person’ emerges to meet a need at the ‘right time.’ Some may attribute this to Providence, some have seen it as the working of the Holy Spirit, others might dismiss it as coincidence. We are fortunate indeed to have Jane Lowndes on the Team and I am delighted to report that she has accepted the invitation to take on an enhanced role in the organisation as Operations Director, a role she started on 1st January.

Her commitment to the welfare of the staff team is apparent. She has frequently acted as a sensitive welcomer to users of the House, whether they are attending receptions after funerals or birthdays or if they are attending meetings or training events or inquests. Many volunteers will have seen Jane’s skills when they help out in the house or at the large-scale events that take place in the grounds – whether it’s a fully catered wedding reception in a marquee on the forecourt, or for the site transformation that happens when Miracle Theatre bring their shows to Truro!  

Jane’s commitment to the future of Epiphany House as a thriving Conference & Retreat Centre is undoubted. The Trustees hope that a new chapter has begun, consolidating the achievements of recent years and responding to new opportunities.

Michael Tedder Chair of The Trustees

The Tuesday Team

The Tuesday Team

The Epiphany Team grows in numbers daily. People discover the house and its grounds on a walk which takes them through the beautiful grounds of the house or by word of mouth.

Our Tuesday group come along and together work to achieve great and marvellous things in the garden or the Chapel, maintaining, nurturing and caring for both, and there’s always a great supply of hot drinks and biscuits to keep all going!

One of the team, Chris comes along and helps in the garden mostly on Tuesday however when the sun shines he can be seen throughout the week keeping the grounds looking beautiful and preparing the ground in our veg patch, Chris has this to say about his time with us;

After moving to the Kenwyn area a few years ago my wife and I often walked or cycled through the grounds of Epiphany House, enjoying the beauty and tranquillity. Sometimes we would stop and chat with voluntary workers, on retirement I thought it would be good to help maintain such a lovely local resource.

After joining the gardening team, I realised how many people enjoy Epiphany House in so many ways: from dog walking, cycling, sitting, and contemplating, to sharing in worship, craft and other activities.

For me too there is enjoyment in maintaining and improving the surroundings, and in helping towards growing provisions that can be used in the house.

It has been so nice to become part of a small but dedicated team. I have made new friends with other volunteers, the staff, and people who use Epiphany House and grounds on a regular basis. It is a privilege to help preserve such a special place and see it becoming an integral part of our community.



Our Tuesday House Group writes:

We are a small group who meet at Epiphany House every Tuesday morning from 10am – 11.45am, most of us live alone and welcome the friendship and support of the group.

During our time together we care for the beautiful Chapel in the House after which we sit have coffee and a chat, we value this time spend with one another each week.

Some of the group stay and attend the weekly Service of Holy Communion at 12noon and some of us choose not to.

The Tuesday House Group is open to anyone who would like to attend, and you can choose what you would like to do, or not to do! The only requirement is to join together in friendship, support and enjoy Epiphany House and its glorious grounds.

Ros, Jane, and Joyce

If you would like to join the Tuesday Team either in the garden or The Tuesday House Group either email us on  [email protected] or call us on 01872 857953.

Testimonial from Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum

Testimonial from Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum

Visitors most often remark on the wonderful service they receive from our staff and the lovely ambience of the House. This month we were delighted to receive a testimonial from Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum:

“Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum have been regular visitors at Epiphany House. The grounds are very well kept, the surroundings provide a serene and calming environment for staff to meet. The meeting rooms are spacious with a cosy feel, and the equipment is new and well taken care of.

There are coffee, tea and biscuits provided that you can help yourself to.  The lunch provided was lovely, we all had Lentil Daahl that was freshly made. CVSF will continue to come back frequently as we are grateful for the thought that is put into ensuring our bookings go smoothly.”

Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum