
  • 2024 AGM

    2024 AGM

    This year the Annual General Meeting of the Epiphany Trust (Truro) Ltd will be held on 20th June 2024. The schedule for the evening is as follows: 4.30pm: Eucharist 5.30pm: Light refreshments (MEMBERS & FRIENDS ONLY) 6pm: 67th Annual General

  • Newsletter February 2024

    Newsletter February 2024

    Our February 2024 newsletter can now be viewed here.

  • Welcome To The Chief Executive

    Welcome To The Chief Executive

    I am pleased to announce that the trustees have recently appointed Alan Wallace to the role of Chief Executive for the Epiphany Trust. We look forward to welcoming Alan to the team, with effect from January. For your information, Alan

  • Thank You

    Thank You

    A thank you letter from Janette Mullett to all those who supported and encouraged her during her time at Epiphany House

  • Ukraine Play Box Appeal

    Ukraine Play Box Appeal

    You can help give Ukrainian refugee children the gift of play by supporting Play Action International’s Play Box Appeal. 

  • Epiphany House – ‘a haven of peace and calm in what can be a very troubled world’

    Epiphany House – ‘a haven of peace and calm in what can be a very troubled world’

    It’s a cold frosty morning in late January 2009 and I am to attend a meeting with representatives from local NHS and Social Services departments at a venue I have never heard of in Truro – Epiphany House. Where is it? What

  • Connect Art Group

    Connect Art Group

    On Monday 21st March the CONNECT art group from Holy Trinity Church, St, Austell spent a wonderful afternoon at Epiphany House.

  • Welcome to the Operations Director

    Welcome to the Operations Director

    Those of us who have known Epiphany House over the years have been struck by the way the ‘right person’ emerges to meet a need at the ‘right time.’ Some may attribute this to Providence, some have seen it as

  • The Tuesday Team

    The Tuesday Team

    The Epiphany Team grows in numbers daily. People discover the house and its grounds on a walk which takes them through the beautiful grounds of the house or by word of mouth. Our Tuesday group come along and together work

  • Testimonial from Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum

    Testimonial from Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum

    Visitors most often remark on the wonderful service they receive from our staff and the lovely ambience of the House. This month we were delighted to receive a testimonial from Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum

  • Angel over Kyiv

    Angel over Kyiv

    A picture taken in Kyiv this morning. The clouds forming an image of an angel above the city where the main Cathedral is dedicated to the Archangel Michael who cast Lucifer into Hell.

  • Prayer service for the Ukraine at Truro Cathedral

    Prayer service for the Ukraine at Truro Cathedral

  • Prayer for the Ukraine

    Prayer for the Ukraine

    A candle of is being burnt in the Epiphany House Chapel for the country of Ukraine and its people as a sign of hope, peace, and solidarity in this fragile time.

  • Janette Mullett – a Brief Appreciation

    Janette Mullett – a Brief Appreciation

    By Acting Chairman, Michael Tedder As Janette’s contract as Director of Epiphany House formally comes to an end on 31 January, and she takes on a new role in the parish of All Saints, Highertown, I should like to express

  • A thank you to Epiphany House from ‘Connect’ group.

    A thank you to Epiphany House from ‘Connect’ group.

    As we are all aware the pandemic has taken its toll on the majority of us, some more than most, people have struggled with both their physical and mental health, however from what I have heard the greatest struggle was

  • Out with the old …

    Out with the old …

    saying farewell to our old mower which has done many years sterling service but sadly is now broken beyond repair, and welcome to our shiny new mower that we have been able to purchase due to the generosity of a benefactor.