Prayer for the Ukraine

Prayer for the Ukraine

We are keeping a candle burning in the Epiphany House Chapel for the country of Ukraine and its people as a sign of hope, peace, and solidarity in this fragile time.

Dear Jesus

Lord, we bring the people, the land and all that belongs to the Ukraine before You.

You, alone, can bring peace, justice and healing to a land besieged by an aggressor and turn curses into blessings.

We ask for Your peace, that peace that surpasses all understanding, to flood the Ukraine: that where there is violence and chaos, Your angels stand between aggressor and victim – that attacks miss their mark and are rendered harmless; that courage rises and stands its ground; that wisdom speaks into receptive ears; and that pride becomes convinced of Your forgiveness and mercy.

Help them, Lord. Save them according to Your mercy, which knows no limits.

May all know that You are at work, both in the small miracles You do, for individuals in the Ukraine, and how You can change Nations in a moment.

May the world see You, Lord, as You stand up for and protect the oppressed and turn the tide against Goliath with your favourite, your chosen David.

May Your wonderful will be done in the Ukraine, Lord, just as it is in Heaven. May we hear and say ‘Amen’ to the prayers of the people in the Ukraine and the prayers You want, Lord Jesus, for the Ukraine.

And we bless all those in the Ukraine now and in the future:

“The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”

In the mighty name of Jesus,


Janette Mullett – a Brief Appreciation

Janette Mullett – a Brief Appreciation

By Acting Chairman, Michael Tedder

As Janette’s contract as Director of Epiphany House formally comes to an end on 31 January, and she takes on a new role in the parish of All Saints, Highertown, I should like to express appreciation for her accomplishments at Epiphany House. Once new appointments have been made and Covid restrictions ease, the House will host a more conventional celebration of Janette’s achievements but this auspicious transition cannot pass unmarked.  

My first information about Janette came from a referee when she applied for the brand new post of Director of Epiphany House. The Revd Linda Liversedge in Cambridgeshire described someone with great administrative skills, someone who is ‘genuinely brilliant’, a ‘terrific all-rounder,’ as someone who can deliver what she promises. She begged us not to deprive her parish of such an outstanding worker! Five candidates were interviewed for Director and Janette was outstanding.  She took up the post on 1 November 2013.

Janette has had to deal with all kinds of ‘challenges’ (sometimes disasters!) as Director of Epiphany House. Who could forget the winter of 2018 when the ‘beast from the East’ came calling in March, causing burst water pipes in the attic that flooded rooms and damaged ceilings, leading to months of industrial dryers around the building followed by extensive replastering and recarpeting. Then, of course, there has been the extended disruption and uncertainties caused by the Covid 19 crisis. For months on end Janette and a much-reduced team have taken care of a building that never stops needing attention and care. Resuming normal operation has been a slow and complex process. 

Janette has overseen a number of transformations. She helped ensure the books balance. She has been an effective leader who could mould an enthusiastic and skilled staff team that successfully grew the business while rigorously controlling costs. At times managing change can be painful, particularly when staff contracts change, and Janette has sensitively managed some difficult but essential changes.

The most obvious transformation in the House has come from her oversight of the “Refresh and Renew” project. The addition of en suite accommodation and the shift of the focus of the building with the creation of our new reception area have transformed the prospects for the House and its mission. Building work started in October 2019 and Janette had to live with the inconvenience of her home being adjacent to a building site for nearly two years. 

The Latin inscription over the fireplace in Godrevy is a quotation from the Rule of St Benedict that translates as ‘Visitors (possibly strangers or refugees?) should be welcomed as though they were Christ’. Janette’s achievement as Director has been to make this instruction operational. Janette is a deeply prayerful person whose spiritual journey is an important part of her life.  She came to Epiphany House intent on living out her faith through more active involvement in Christian ministry in the community and that commitment led to her ordination as priest. I’m sure the whole Board of Trustees join me in wishing her well in the next stage of her journey.

A thank you to Epiphany House from ‘Connect’ group.

A thank you to Epiphany House from ‘Connect’ group.

As we are all aware the pandemic has taken its toll on the majority of us, some more than most, people have struggled with both their physical and mental health, however from what I have heard the greatest struggle was that of social isolation.

Truro GP Practices came together to address the social isolation that people had and were continuing to experience as a result of the pandemic and formed a Community Social Group, they appropriately named it ‘Connect’, bringing people together to support one another.

In December the facilitators of the group, Lindsey and Andy approached us here at Epiphany House and asked us if we could make a room available for them to host a Christmas Lunch, we were delighted to be approached and saw this as an opportunity to give something back to our local community.

The group funded the ingredients and our resident Chef, Debbie kindly volunteered to cook the lunch on her day off.

The group showed their appreciation by sending a message of thanks with a super photograph of them all enjoying their lunch both of which they are more than happy for us to share with you all in our monthly Newsletter.

A thank you to Epiphany House from ‘Connect’ group.

Connect is a Truro community social group for GP practices to refer people with mild mental health issues for support especially in the context of Covid19 and the resultant social isolation. We want to say a huge thank you to Epiphany House for donating their refectory space and their cook’s efforts for our truly delicious Christmas meal. In fact, members compared the food to other local establishments, and Epiphany’s fared extremely favourably. It was a special time of community. Thank you!

Out with the old …

Out with the old …

Saying farewell to our old mower which has done many years sterling service but sadly is now broken beyond repair, and welcome to our shiny new mower that we have been able to purchase due to the generosity of a benefactor.

For those who have far to travel

For those who have far to travel

Letter from Janette:
If you could see
the journey whole,
you might never
undertake it, might never dare
the first step
that propels you
from the place
you have known
toward the place you know not.
©Jan Richardson.
This extract from a poem by Jan Richardson entitled ‘For those who have far to travel’, really speaks to me about the journey I have been on for the last 9 years.  But the place I ‘knew not’ has become the place I love and care for deeply.  That won’t change I know as I move on to pastures new at the beginning of February. Epiphany House is a remarkable place that has brought peace and healing to so many. It is not always possible for us to share the many stories of the effects visiting the House and its grounds can have on the pilgrim, the seeker, the broken, but I thank God for it. It is for many a ‘thin place’ where they find it easier to connect with God, and despite the fact I cannot really understand the theology of place, I have certainly witnessed it. It has been an immense privilege serving here for this exciting period in the House’s history. I leave knowing that there is a very faithful and devoted team (even though very small) to carry on the work.  In addition, the Trust are advertising for new staff to complete the team as they step forward into a New Season.
May you be blessed with peace and joy this Christmas and may 2022 bring you new blessings

Audio Visual Technology for Hybrid Meetings

Audio Visual Technology for Hybrid Meetings

One of the things we have done to help us through these strange and tricky times is to invest in new Audio Visual Technology.  The kit consists of a large touch screen which can be connected with a laptop presentation – it has its own speakers and screen pens.  It also has its own internal PC so it is possible to host zoom calls from it.  This is enabling hybrid meetings connecting both online and in-person audiences and speakers and it has a clever camera which ‘senses’ who in the room is speaking and focuses in on them.  This is proving an invaluable asset.

If you would like to host a hybrid event please contact [email protected] for further information

Building Project: Phase 1 complete

Building Project: Phase 1 complete

Phase 1 of our Restore & Renew building project is now complete. We’re delighted to say we’ve now got our building regulations certification for the new wing at Epiphany House which will provide ensuite accommodation for visitors.

The Restore & Renew building project will transform Epiphany House and secure the future of our work as a Conference & Retreat Centre. The project is phased so that work can be carried out as funds allow. We are still fundraising and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your prayers and for your generous donations to date which have made it possible for us to get this far with the building work.

Visit our Donate page for ways in which you can support us as we continue to fundraise for the £1.5 million needed to complete the whole project.

Building project: Phase 1 photo update

Building project: Phase 1 photo update

Our Restore & Renew project is set to transform Epiphany House and secure the future of our work as a Conference & Retreat Centre. The project is phased so that work can be carried out as funds allow. The first phase is under way already and will convert the former garage and outbuildings into office space with a new first floor above which will house seven ensuite bedrooms with better access for those with limited mobility. Despite the delays caused by COVID-19, the builders have now been able to restart and continue to make good progress. We are still fundraising and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your prayers and for your generous donations to date which have made it possible for us to get this far with the building work.

Visit our Donate page for ways in which you can support us as we continue to fundraise for the £1.5 million needed to complete the whole project.

October 2019: building work begins

November 2019

December 2019

January – February 2020

May 2020: work resumes

August 2020: starting the inside the extension

October 2020: nearly there!

November 2020: our wonderful extension is now complete

December 2020: finishing touches

Letter from our Chair of Trustees

Letter from our Chair of Trustees

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, ….’ So opens ‘The tale of Two Cities’ by C. Dickens. Thinking of cities around the globe one can imagine just how true that is at this time; from Wuhan to Milan there will be stories of bravery and heroism, tragedy and loss. The human condition from its basest to its highest behaviours endeavouring to grapple with reality.

But what of us in our blessed, small plot? How are we to be?

I believe we are called to be people of hope. In the list of virtues hope often gets short measure, coming as it does so close to love, but now is the time when we should seek to recover its meaning for us. Hope looks forward; hope is about what is to come. Our House is not called ‘The Old Kenwyn Rectory’ or the ‘The Old Bishops’ Palace’ (though there were many old bishops!), nor is it called ‘The Old Cathedral School’. It is called ‘Epiphany House’, a place of ‘showing’ what is and pointing towards what is to come. We do not hope for what was but for what will be. Our ‘Restore and Renew’ Project is not halted, though no building work is going on, the vision remains in place; the tasks are continuing, the future is coming towards us. A friend has sent me an email headed ‘This too shall pass away.’ That is hope. We are not to hope that all will ‘return to normal’. God’s works are always greater than our limited imaginations and when we constrain imagination with anxiety and fear we are bound to take a wrong view.

So, take heart in these dark times, as Dickens says further on in the opening quote ‘it was the spring of hope.’ ‘Be of good cheer,’ says the Lord, ‘I have overcome the world’ (Jn 16:33)

May each and everyone of you be sustained by the Spirit of hope which will bring you into the fullness of the presence of the Living God.

I look forward to seeing as many as can attend at the AGM, whenever that may be.

Leslie T Attwood.