Creation Care

Creation Care

An opportunity to listen to the voice of creation as revealed through the bible and experienced in our humanity.

Climate Crisis can sound like an overwhelming challenge. Come and spend some time with our creator God who repeatedly says ‘do not be afraid.’


DONATION ONLY to include hot drinks & a light lunch, for more information and to book a place please contact [email protected] or call us on tel. 01872 857953.

Tides of life

Tides of life

Together we will create a  contemplative space to explore the ebbs and flows of our life experience. We will use poetry, prayer and images. Art materials will be available but please bring your own if you would like to.


Cost £25.00 to include hot drinks & a light lunch, for more        information and to book a place please contact                       [email protected] or call us on tel. 01872 857953.


Get 6 retreats for the price of 5 by booking 5 of our 2024 paid    retreats at any one time.


Cost should not be a barrier to attending any of these days,      bursaries are available, please contact the office using the details above.

Resting in God

Resting in God

We will take as our inspiration Psalm 131, called a Song of Quiet Trust.

‘O Lord, my heart is not lifted up, my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvellous for me, But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; my soul is like the weaned child that is with me.’

Using art and music, we will explore what it truly means to rest in the Lord, physically, spiritually and emotionally. We will look at the latest scientific research on rest and the biblical theme of Sabbath rest. We will also have              opportunity and time to practice resting in God on the   quiet day.


Cost £25.00 to include hot drinks & a light lunch, for more information and to book a place please contact            [email protected] or call us on                    tel. 01872 857953.


Get 6 retreats for the price of 5 by booking 5 of our 2024 paid retreats at any one time.


Cost should not be a barrier to attending any of these days, bursaries are available, please contact the office using the details above.

Is there in truth no beauty, Jordan I by George Herbert

Is there in truth no beauty, Jordan I by George Herbert

Truth and beauty are virtues to which we would all like to aspire: we want to be truthful in the sense of discovering what is the truth about ourselves and the world around us, and also beautiful, not in the sense of a surface ‘prettiness’, but by reflecting all that is good, wonderful and awesome about who we are, and seeing this in the world around us as well. But what sounds like an ideal aspiration is always compromised by the realities of life. Firstly, what do we mean by truth and beauty? Is there an absolute truth and beauty in the Platonic sense,  which our own attempts at    being truthful and beautiful can only ever be partial? And, more critically, are truth and beauty mutually exclusive? If I am    truthful, and say what I really think, am I still being beautiful if what I say is going to be hurtful or damaging to my                   relationships? 

Taking a line from George Herbert’s poem Jordan I, ‘Is there in truth no beauty?’, Roger will explore these virtues with a      Christian perspective, what it means to be truthful and          beautiful in the sight of God, and investigate ways in which truth and beauty do indeed have an inner harmony, are indicators of the life of grace which God bestows upon us, and also means by which we can reflect his glory in and to the world.


Cost £25.00 to include hot drinks & a light lunch, for more        information and to book a place please contact                       [email protected] or call us on tel. 01872 857953.


Get 6 retreats for the price of 5 by booking 5 of our 2024 paid    retreats at any one time.


Cost should not be a barrier to attending any of these days,      bursaries are available, please contact the office using the details above.

The sacrament of place

The sacrament of place

The day will begin with a history lesson to look at God’s presence in the world, and how the Holy Spirit comes to be with us through Creation and then directly encounter us His children.

The then Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger said that in the early church the word sacrament was also used of historic events, words of scripture, and elements of religious worship. These allow the    saving action achieved by Jesus Christ to show through, thus         enabling God to reveal himself in history and to be present there as its true inner reality. It has also been said that we have been conditioned by definitions of sacrament that imprison the meaning of sacramental mystery within narrow limits. So now we need to open up our understanding through “sacramental imagination”.

We will use this new outlook to inform our prayer and allow a new sacramental imagination to encounter our God. We have three talks, interspaced with times of prayer on your own in the beautiful setting of the house and garden.


Cost £25.00 to include hot drinks & a light lunch, for more        information and to book a place please contact                       [email protected] or call us on tel. 01872 857953.


Get 6 retreats for the price of 5 by booking 5 of our 2024 paid    retreats at any one time.


Cost should not be a barrier to attending any of these days,      bursaries are available, please contact the office using the details above.

Desert Experience

Desert Experience

Take time to quietly explore the possibilities of life and faith in the desert. The devastation of fire leading to new life in the South African fynbos. Discover flourishing new life when the rain falls in the Namaqualand. Celebrate the refreshing joy of streams in the desert.  Introduced by Aubin de Gruchy with reflective music composed by Oliver Jones.


Cost £25.00 to include hot drinks & a light lunch, for more information and to book a place please contact [email protected] or call us on tel. 01872 857953.


Get 6 retreats for the price of 5 by booking 5 of our 2024 paid retreats at any one time.


Cost should not be a barrier to attending any of these days, bursaries are available, please contact the office using the details above.