The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

Friday 3rd March 2023

10am – 4pm at Epiphany House

At the beginning of Lent we look ahead to prepare ourselves for the eventful rapidly changing events of of Holy Week.

This day will offer an opportunity for reflection upon the significance of the beginning of this week and what it says to us in our lives in this time and place.

Cost £25.00 to include all hot drinks & a light lunch. For more information or to book a place please contact [email protected] or call us on tel. 01872 857953.

Crooked Paths Straight: my boat is so small

Crooked Paths Straight: my boat is so small

Tuesday 28th March 2023 10am – 4pm at Epiphany House.

How do we embrace a spiritual wilderness? The Asian theologian Kosuke Koyama tells us not to try to escape the emptiness, to stick with it and to “look for flowers that grow only in the desert”. Before the gratification of Easter we must live the desert journey of God’s people.

The days of Lent offer time to slow down, to give as much priority to contemplation as we do to activity. On this quiet day we will watch with the Celtic saints for signs of a gentle wind filling our sails, guiding and reshaping our course.

About Lynda:
Revd Canon Dr Lynda Barley was formerly Canon Pastor at Truro cathedral and is a trustee of the Sheldon Retreat Centre. She will share her desert journey of finding herself retiring into the isolation of the pandemic.  

Cost £25.00 to include all hot drinks & a light lunch, for all information and to book a place please contact [email protected] call us on tel. 01872 857953.

Storytelling and Building Everyday Faith led by Jim Seth

Storytelling and Building Everyday Faith led by Jim Seth

Friday 10th February 2023

10am – 4pm

Throughout the day Jim will tell a set of favourite inspirational stories and pose questions that can be used in the times of reflection. The   emphasis will be on ‘telling’  rather than ‘reading’ and there will be an opportunity to discuss technique for those who want it. Before our closing worship there will be a time of sharing your own stories for those who want to.

About Jim:

Jim is a Licensed Lay Minister in the Redruth Benefice, Chaplain of the Readers in the Truro Diocese and an active Spiritual Director.

Cost £25.00 to include all hot drinks & a light lunch, for all information and to book a place please contact [email protected] or call on Tel. 01872 857953.

Individually Guided Retreat led by the Revds Bryan and Mary West

Individually Guided Retreat led by the Revds Bryan and Mary West

With the beginning of the year 2023 there will undoubtedly be brought a complexity of emotions – excitement for the year ahead, fear and dread for what is to come or relief to be leaving the old year behind with the hope of good things to come and new beginnings.

The theme for the IGR is ‘New Beginnings’ and during our time together we hope to explore what that means on many levels as we seek to walk God’s pathway through the coming year but also how we can recognise the opportunity for new beginnings in our spiritual, emotional and physical lives.   

For more information and to book please contact [email protected] or call on tel. 01872 857953.

Rejoice with Intimate Opera Cornwall

Rejoice with Intimate Opera Cornwall

At 3pm on the 4th of December 2022 the house will be hosting Rejoice with Intimate Opera Cornwall. Come along for an afternoon of Christmas songs and good cheer.

Tickets are £12 (or free for under 10s) and includes mulled wine and mince pies.

For more information or to book call either 01872 857953 or 01209 820688.

Finding The Vision

Finding The Vision

Finding The Vision is a Quiet Day led by Julia Clare.

Saturday 28th January 2023 10am – 4pm at Epiphany House.

‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.’ Proverbs 29 v18.

At the beginning of the year we explore the role of vision for some of the people of God in the Bible. Then, through reflective exercises and collage, we create our own vision boards for the year ahead to lead, inspire and guide us. Resources are provided, but magazines and any images that speak to you are welcome. Come and find vision through play.

Cost £25.00 to include all hot drinks and a light lunch.

For all information and to book a place please contact [email protected] or call us on tel. 01872 857953.