Exploring the ‘Practical Mysticism’ of Evelyn Underhill led by Revd Dr. Amanda Stevens

Exploring the ‘Practical Mysticism’ of Evelyn Underhill led by Revd Dr. Amanda Stevens

On Tuesday 2nd May 2023 Revd Dr Amanda Stevens will be leading a Quiet Day exploring the life and writings of Evelyn Underhill.

Tuesday 2nd May 2023

10am – 4pm

Evelyn Underhill was a retreat leader, writer, reformer, and spiritual guide to many during the first half of the 20th century. This reflective day will use her life and writings to explore her notion of mysticism for ourselves.

Cost £25.00 to include all hot drinks & a light lunch, for all information and to book a place please contact [email protected] call us on tel. 01872 857953.

Celtic Christian Quiet Days led by Revd Pat Robson

Celtic Christian Quiet Days led by Revd Pat Robson

Later this year Revd Pat Robson will be leading two Celtic Christian Quiet Days at the house:

‘An exciting and inspiring Youth movement’ Can the Celtic church inspire the young people of today?

Friday 14th April 2023

10am – 4pm

On this Quiet Day we will discuss what we consider there is in Christian spirituality for the young people of today who are seeking their own pathway to God. What is positive and what is distinctly off-putting? And we look at Celtic Christian Spirituality as a possible way forward.

Will the radical and independent nature of the early Celtic saints still appeal today?

St. Martin and the Celtic church

Tuesday 11th July 2023

10am – 4pm

As an officer in the Roman army St Martin learnt how to both lead and inspire young recruits. When he left the army and became Bishop of Tours his experience and his ability to inspire were put to good use. Young people from all over Europe flocked to hear his radical and compelling teaching. Later when the British fled in the face of the Saxon invasion and were cut off from the mainstream church, these young people seized the opportunity to re-model the church in line with Martin’s teaching  and what became known as the Celtic Christian Church came into being.

The Celtic Christian Church only really existed for just over 300 years but many of its precepts are still important to the British people.
During the day we will look at the history in  the context of the period and we will explore its importance in the hearts and minds of the people of today.

Praying in the Dark led by Bridget Macaulay

Praying in the Dark led by Bridget Macaulay

For those looking for a Quiet Day for the winter, Bridget Macaulay will be leading a day exploring how we might meet God in winter seasons at the house this November.

Friday 3rd November 2023

10am – 4pm

The life of faith is one of seasonal and spiritual cycles and so we may experience times of darkness in our relationship with God. This can be felt as the dormancy of winter where the wonder and mystery of new life stirs below the surface or it may mean we find ourselves in the half light of doubt, disconnection or apathy. Prayer in these winter seasons may need to take new forms, navigating carefully and courageously where we cannot see clearly.

This Quiet Day will reflect on the lessons we might learn from the wintering natural world for the spiritual seasons of lessoning light. Making use of image, poetry and reflective resources we will explore ways to reach out to God in these times and to recognise how God comes to meet us in the dark.

Cost £25.00 to include all hot drinks and a light lunch. for all information and to book a place please contact [email protected] or call us on tel: 01872 857953.

Feast of the Transfiguration

Feast of the Transfiguration

At midday on Saturday 5th August the house will hold its Eucharist for the Feast of the Transfiguration. The Eucharist will be presided at by Canon Simon Robinson, the Interim Dean of Truro, and will be followed by light refreshments. All are welcome but booking is requested.

For more information and to let us know you are coming please contact us on [email protected] or 01872 857953.

Storytelling and Building Everyday Faith led by Jim Seth

Storytelling and Building Everyday Faith led by Jim Seth

Friday 28th July 2023

10am – 4pm

Throughout the day Jim will tell a set of favourite inspirational    stories and pose questions that can be used in the times of reflection. The emphasis will be on ‘telling’ rather than ‘reading’ and there will be an opportunity to discuss technique for those who want it. Before our closing worship there will be a time of sharing your own stories for those who want to.

About Jim:

Jim is a Licensed Lay Minister in the Redruth Benefice, Chaplain of the Readers in the Truro Diocese and an active Spiritual Director.

Cost £25.00 to include all hot drinks & a light lunch, for all           information and to book a place please contact                         bookings@epiphanyhouse.co.uk or call on Tel. 01872 857953.

Slowing down to see the sacred

Slowing down to see the sacred

Tuesday 12th September 2023


“God gave us art, music, sculpture, drama & literature. He gave them as footpaths to lead us out of our hiding places & as signposts to lead us along in our search for what was lost….We reach for God in many ways. Through our sculptures & our scriptures. Through our pictures & our prayers. Through our writing & our worship. And through them he reaches for us….When we look long enough at a scene from a movie, a page from a book, a person across the room, & when we look deeply enough, these moments framed in our minds become transparent. Everywhere we look, there are pictures that are not really pictures but windows…. If we look closely we can see something beyond the two dimensions within the frame, something beyond the ordinary colours brushed across the canvas of our everyday lives.” 

Ken Gire

Visio Divina, or ‘sacred seeing’ is an ancient form of prayer, sharing its’ roots and process with the spiritual practice of Lectio Divina. It is an invitation to give our attention to the visible; that the eyes of our heart may be opened to encounter the divine around and within us. 

We will spend time exploring & experiencing this practice, along with other ways of becoming present to our surroundings, both in and outdoors. 

From there, we will move on to making a creative response to help us reflect, connect and pray more deeply using different art media (could include writing, poetry, drawing, collage, photography). 

Some art materials will be provided. If you have a preferred medium, you are welcome to bring your own supplies along. 

Cost £25.00 to include all hot drinks & a light lunch, for all information and to book a place please contact [email protected] call us on tel. 01872 857953.

The Stations of the Cross for Today’s World

The Stations of the Cross for Today’s World

a Quiet Day led by Father Jeff Risbridger

Friday 31st March 2023


Praying in front of each of the 14 Stations of the Cross and meditating on the Passion of Christ is part of many people’s spiritual practice in their own church communities.  It stems from the early days of Christian pilgrimage, where pilgrims would visit the scenes of the events in Jerusalem and walk the traditional route from the supposed   location of Pilate’s house to Calvary.

As Lent comes to an end and we look towards Holy Week and Easter, our Quiet Day will take a fresh look at this practice and provide the opportunity to spend time in front of some virtual  stations, reflecting on Jesus’s suffering as it continues in the lives of his people today, all of whom carry personal  crosses and many of whom are bruised, battered and broken.

Cost £25.00 to include all hot drinks & a light lunch, for all information and to book a place please contact [email protected] or call on tel. 01872 857953.